Kitchen vs. Table Mindset: The Cultural Blog

DBC Week 1: Challenge #12

April 30, 2015

    I'll just start by saying that I am presently blowing out the bottom of my time box here. I was 45 minutes into the video before I remembered that I was trying to keep my time in check.

    Based on the video from the challenge I'm coming away with the feeling that the DBC experience is a learning experience for everyone all around. Not that I had a poor impression of DBC before watching this video, but I think I'm coming out of it with a more positive impression. There appears to be a nurturing feeling to the environment as well as a strong sense of community. The idea that DBC is still an experiment is something that stuck in my head. I like the idea that I am part of the experiment to learn how to teach in a better way. I am excited to be in an environment that is guided and mentored by skilled teachers who are not just going to be teaching items from a syllibus into my head. There is something empowering in taking control of what I am going to get out of my education. I see myself engaging with this culture head on. I want to get in there and try things out, make mistakes and learn from them. I want to get to the point where the fear of not knowing enough disappears and I can get on with learning as much as I can, and at the same time be able to help the others who are working along with me.

    After watching the majority of the Fireside Chat I can't really say that my expectations for DBC have changed. I might be more apt to say that my expectations for myself have changed. I have spent most of my academic career in the 'restaurant table' mindset. Options were given, the work was done, and I tried my hardest to thrive. I am stepping outside of my comfort zone having to mold my own learning path, and I like that. The idea that there's no one concrete text for what I will be learning and that I have to do a lot of research and experiment on my own intrigues me. As a person who has been taught that education never ends, that there is always a chance or reason to perfect and advance what you do, I like the idea that what DBC is trying to do is 'put me on the track to becomming a good developer'. They are going to start with the basis of a massive skillset, and it is up to me and my community for all of us to get through it, and to better ourselves through doing it. It is a challenge that I am eager to take on, although I am a touch nervous about it as well. With all new experiences there's always a bit of nervousness, but as long as I can get back up and running after being knocked on my ass the first time, I'll fall right in line. At least that's the plan.

    And now back to feeding my brain.